September 19, 2024
Meeting Summary
Presiding: Kelly Neville
Meeting Room setup/takedown and general problem solving: Tom Mangan and Ron Van Ekeren
Professor’s Quote: George Gill
Foundation Flash:
Introduction of Guests: Rob Jenkins
Visiting Rotarians:
Junior Rotarians/RYLA/Young RYLA/Exchange Students: Weston & Oli
Rotaract/Interact Students:
Humor: Todd Pearson
Foundation Drawing: Jerry Devin won $10 with $3,211 in the jackpot and 9 cards left.
O’Dwyers Drawing: Keith Rittle
  • Don’t forget to volunteer to work the greeting table!
  • Do you know a family that would be willing to host Olafur? Let Caitlin White or Todd Pearson know.
  • Anna Cramer reminded the club to attend the upcoming United Way of Albany County kick off on Sept. 26 at Ivinson Memorial Hospital.
  • Dave Hansen asked for a volunteer to be the club’s social media manager. Let him know if you can help.
  • Kelly Neville noted that District Assembly is coming up on Oct. 12 at LCCC in Cheyenne.
  • Our club has a scholarship endowment at LCCC. We recently received a thank you from this year’s recipient.
  • Project Cure has shipped 30 containers to help Ukraine. Our club has pledged to provide $500, which will be matched by John Evans.
  • The next board meeting is Oct. 16.
Special Presentation:
  • This month’s BIG Rotary anniversaries are: Ray McElwee – 20 years; Tom Mangan – 27 years; Tim Sullivan – 33 years; and John Bard – 34 years.
  • Anna Cramer became a blue badge!
Upcoming Programs:
  • October 3: Ukrainian Doctor Exchange Program, Dr. Kleppinger
  • October 10: Civic engagement with the Young SE Asian Leaders Initiative, UW Global Studies
  • October 17: Exchange Student, Olafur Jonsson
Rotarian of the Week: Terry Moss nominated Shannon Polk for a great Grand La Fleur.
Rotarian of the Month: Doug Faus
Songs: Shine on Harvest moon, Rotary Wheel
Program: Former US Ambassador to Burkina Faso, West Africa, Tom Dougherty
Introduction: Jean Garrison
Tom Dougherty noted that he has seen the great work of Rotary internationally during his work overseas. He has attended meetings in other countries and was briefly in the Rotary Club of Cambria.
This is his second year at UW, and it is nice to be back in Wyoming. His role is funded by the Simpson Fund.
There are not many Wyomingites that are ambassadors for the State Department. There are 276 ambassadors and 7,400 officers worldwide. This accounts for less than 1 percent of the federal budget, and the U.S. could use more diplomats.
Dougherty served as the personal representative of the president. The ambassador oversees the work of the embassy.
Dougherty noted his top foreign policy issues.
  1. AI – It is expected whichever country controls AI will conrol the world. It also takes a large amount of energy.
  2. Space – We have fallen behind China in this area. This is worrisome because the next war will be fought from space.
  3. Critical minerals – Needs more of a focus. China is leading.
  4. Counter terrorism issues – Needs a greater focus and terrorism is on the rise in Northern Africa.
  5. Demographics – The world population will be 1/5 Africans. These people will not have jobs and need to migrate. For example, 1 million Sudanese have been displaced. How are these situations addressed?
  6. Rise of BRICS countries – This is a leading group of emerging economies. It has expanded to 10 countries and the countries want to see an alternate to systems of global currency, such as finding an alternative to the US dollar as the world currency.
  7. IT
  8. Frenemy countries
  9. Increased nuclear proliferation – North Korea in particular.
Response: Keith Rittle
Response: The Rotary Club of Laramie will make a donation to the public library children’s book fund in the speaker’s name.
NOTE: We Do Not Donate a Book!
Rotary 4-way test
Of the things we think, say, or do:
•Is it the Truth?
•Is it Fair?
•Will it build Good Will and
  Better Friendships?
•Will it be Beneficial to All    
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Spoke Editor: Caitlin White, 307-630-1965,