Sept. 1, 2022
Meeting Summary
Presiding: Jamie Terry
Meeting Room setup/takedown and general problem solving: Tom Mangan & Ron Van Ekeren
Professor’s Quote: Ollie Walter
Foundation Flash:
Introduction of Guests: Hanna Eslinger
Guests: Keith Downey introduced prospective member, Bill Lyle; Steve Morgan introduced his wife, Amy, Deb & Martin Augustan, and Lori Stalder; Jamie Terry introduced her husband, Robert.
Exchange Students:
Visiting Rotarians:
Junior Rotarians/RYLA/Young RYLA: Amanda Nilsson
Rotaract/Interact Students:
Foundation Drawing: Doug Faus won $10 with 6 cards left in the deck and $1,841 in the jackpot.
O’Dwyers Drawing: Kerry Greaser
  • Jamie Terry asked club members to check their emails and vote on the bylaws.
  • There is a board meeting next week at 11 a.m. at O’Dwyers.
  • Caitlin White reminded the club that we still need two host families.
  • Caitlin White told the club that the public library will host author, Kali Fajardo-Anstine on Sept. 23 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Evelyn Edson announced that the United Way of Albany County kick off will be Sept. 29 at the UW Art Museum.
  • Dave Hansen reminded the club that Amanda will be raising money for her West Coast bus trip.
Rotarian of the Week: Jamie Terry nominated Caitlin White for handling the Spoke each week.   
Songs: Hello My Baby
Program: Laramie Police Department, Chief Dale Stalder
Introduction: Steve Morgan
Dale Stalder started at the Laramie Police Department in 1980, as a young patrolman. Stalder started on July 1, and by July 4 he was on his own due to the department being understaffed.
Back in the early days of his career, he worked five 8s. Officers now work four 10s.
Things have changed a lot over the years, especially with training and preparation of officers. It now takes 6-8 weeks to bring a new employee in after a very thorough background check. New officers spend 14 weeks at the academy, 5-6 weeks doing in-house training, and 14 weeks on patrol training. LPD officers are well trained and well suited for the job.
Officer suicide is now being openly recognized as a large problem. Over 150 officers nationwide died in the line of duty last year. In comparison, there were over 300 suicides, and four have happened in Wyoming this year.
LPD is working to make changes to how officers are debriefed and how we can help with trauma.
Another change has been body armor. It has significantly improved and will now stop rifle rounds. It is also more comfortable.
There has been a big shift to the drug scene in the way of synthetic drugs. These are really dangerous to the officers involved, so there has been a shift in how they respond to drug calls.
Laramie is seeing less small offense crimes, but more big offenses such as computer fraud.
Chief Stalder retires tomorrow after 42 years of service. He has been chief for 14 years. He has enjoyed it all these years, and it has been an honor to work with all the officers. He will miss the people on the job.
Response: Rebecca Miller
Fundraising Committee: Consider donating raffle tickets to the club pot. If a ticket in the club pot wins the jackpot, this money will go toward helping the club!
Did you know? It’s Civil Service Month for Rotary!
Rotary 4-way test
Of the things we think, say, or do
•Is it the Truth?
•Is it Fair?
•Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships?
•Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned?
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
•FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
•SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
•THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life;
•FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
Response: The Rotary Club of Laramie will make a donation to the public library children’s book fund in the speaker’s name.
NOTE: We Do Not Donate a Book!
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Spoke Editor: Caitlin White, 307-630-1965,