May 27, 2021
Meeting Summary
Presiding: Jaime Stine
Meeting Room setup/takedown and general problem solving:
Inspiration: Larry Struempf
Professor’s Quote:
Foundation Flash:
Introduction of Guests:
Exchange Students:
Visiting Rotarians:
Junior Rotarians/RYLA/Young RYLA:
Rotaract/Interact Students:
Humor: Terry Roark
Foundation Drawing: Murray Schroeder
O’Dwyers Drawing: Don Prehoda
- Keith Downey provided an update on Relay for Life. The Club is donating $500. Individual donations are up to $1,250. He would like to see it at or above $2,000. He shared from an article on the war on cancer and the impactful things that donations to this program support.
- President Jaime shared that Todd Pearson recently celebrated a birthday and provided a donation check to the foundation.
- President Jaime reminded the club that we are approaching the fiscal year end and called on the club members to consider becoming a Paul Harris fellow. Donations also help the club maintain eligibility for district grants. Donations must be received by June 30 to count for this year.
- Rollin Abernethy reiterated that our club is short on contributions which puts our club at risk to not be eligible for district grants.
Rotarian of the Week: Tom Mangan nominated Keith Downey for his work with Relay for Life.
Program: Pivotal Moments in Transnational Peace
Introduction: Rollin Abernethy
Elizabeth Stephani is a UW Law student and scholarship applicant. She is working toward a global scholarship application through Rotary International. The program she was going to participate in previously was not long enough to qualify. She will likely still pursue in a different way.
Elizabeth refers to herself as a Native of the American West. She has experience in facilitating working sessions and more formal discussions among tribes. She has a passion for environmental studies and has authored an article that has been published, the “Wind River Dumps: Trash to Treasure.”
Elizabeth shared that there is currently a lot of research interest in Chili across the industry. It is a country that relies on exportation of natural resources. The country is also of interest to private sector mining groups. Approximately 52% of the country’s exports are copper.
Complimenting the level of research interest is the shift in constitution in the country. Chile is preparing to review and update their constitution, which creates opportunity for business interests in Chile’s entrance to the world economy.
Elizabeth is proposing she travel to Chile in January 2022 with the University of Wyoming Law School. With this program, she would attend as a student, alongside students from Chile. And, would have classes taught by both professors from the University of Wyoming as well as from Chile.
She prepared an estimated budget for travel and for the program costs. She is asking Rotary to partner with her to promote peacebuilding in Chile. Along with her perspective, she hopes to bring together leaders and facilitate conversations that include human rights issues inter-woven with environmental rights.
In Q&A, Elizabeth shared that she took 4 years of Spanish in high school and will be seeking a tutor this summer to improve her fluency, as that will help in discussions. She also shared that while she was seeking a global grant for this research and now will seek other ways to accomplish this as well, that she is also looking at a law firm Clerkship opportunity. She will look for ways to extend this research while she explores next steps and views this program as a launching point. Elizabeth also shared that she would enjoy publishing again.
Response: Jaime Stine
Rotary 4-way test
Of the things we think, say, or do
•Is it the Truth?
•Is it Fair?
•Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships?
•Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned?
‘Response: The Rotary Club of Laramie will make a donation to the public library children’s book fund in the speaker’s name.
NOTE: We Do Not Donate a Book!
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Spoke Editor: Caitlin White, 307-630-1965,