March 2, 2023
Meeting Summary
Presiding: Dave Hansen
Meeting Room setup/takedown and general problem solving: Tom Mangan & Ron Van Ekeren
Professor’s Quote: Joe Steiner
Foundation Flash:
Introduction of Guests: Kelly Neville
Guests: Paul Montoya introduced Adam Coop; Tom Wolfe introduced prospective member, Natalie White
Exchange Students:
Visiting Rotarians:
Junior Rotarians/RYLA/Young RYLA: Isabella Pacheco
Rotaract/Interact Students:
Humor: Todd Pearson
Foundation Drawing: Kerry Greaser won $10 with $663 in the jackpot.
O’Dwyers Drawing: Jaime Stine
  • There is a board meeting next week on Thursday at 11am.
  • Tim Eisenhauer told the club that Young RYLA and RYLA applications are open for 7th graders and sophomores/juniors.
  • Murray Schroeder told the club that the Fundraising Committee met. The club will host a karaoke contest in September. In the meantime, they are considering a CJ Box event, bingo, or trivia.
Upcoming Programs:
Rotarian of the Week: Murray Schroeder nominated Paul Montoya for having the karaoke contest idea and being willing to spearhead the fundraiser.  
Songs: Down in the Valley; Down by the Riverside
Program: City of Laramie Police Department, Chief Bryan Browne
Introduction: Jerry Gruber
Chief Bryan Browne started in November. He came to Laramie from the Anaheim, California police department.
Browne was raised by a single dad, who was an addict. This formed a lot of who he is. He has spent a lot of time around the underserved and the underprivileged.
Before becoming a police officer, Browne was in the National Guard as a medic. During his time in California, he did a variety of police assignments such as: internal affairs, homicide, sexual crimes, and traffic. He brings good past experience to his new role in Laramie.
The job search for a new chief was a long process with 30-40 applicants. There were several interview rounds before he was selected to take the job.
Browne is making some changes, mostly to look at making the police force more efficient. His main goals include increasing community engagement, having good internal practices, and making a positive impact on Laramie crime.
He is trying to get the police department more present throughout Laramie so residents can become more confident and comfortable with the officers.
Opioids are the next big drug of choice, and it continues to get bigger. He recognizes it nationwide. While it is a lesser problem now in Laramie, it will increase. They are working on doing preventative training for youth.
The city policing oversight committee is a future possibility. Browne comes from a community that had one of these. He is in support of this committee assigning with the transparency of training, use of force, internal investigations, and policies/procedures. He wants the community to be informed about the checks and balances in place.
Browne is working to install a community engagement team, and is continuing to provide a lot of training to officers.
The police department has altered how it addresses vacancies. This is tricky issue nationwide with number of applicants way down. Recruitment is now open continuously at the department. They have also streamlined the process to get people hired more quickly. It seems to definitely be helping.
Response: Steve Morgan
Rotary 4-way test
Of the things we think, say, or do:
•Is it the Truth?
•Is it Fair?
•Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships?
•Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned?
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
•FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
•SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
•THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life;
•FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
Response: The Rotary Club of Laramie will make a donation to the public library children’s book fund in the speaker’s name.
NOTE: We Do Not Donate a Book!
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Spoke Editor: Caitlin White, 307-630-1965,