February 9, 2023
Meeting Summary
Presiding: Jamie Terry
Meeting Room setup/takedown and general problem solving: Tom Mangan & Ron Van Ekeren
Inspiration: Jenny Eisenhauer
Professor’s Quote:
Foundation Flash:
Introduction of Guests: Dave Hansen
Guests: Terry Roark introduced prospective member, Neil Theobald; Kelly Neville introduced prospective member, Tyler Valentine
Exchange Students:
Visiting Rotarians:
Junior Rotarians/RYLA/Young RYLA: Amanda Nilsson; Ruby
Rotaract/Interact Students:
Humor: Terry Roark
Foundation Drawing: Tim Eisenhauer won $10 with $519 in the jackpot.
O’Dwyers Drawing: Steve Morgan
  • February is Rotary peace building and conflict prevention month.
  • There were two resignations this month: Amy Aldrich Lytle and Dan Furphy.
  • Dave Hansen announced an upcoming service project. Read to Feed will be in March and April in the elementary schools. Students will read to sponsor an animal.
  • Tim Eisenhauer told the club that Young RYLA and RYLA applications are open for 7th graders and sophomores/juniors.
  • Murray Schroeder announced that there is now a vase to put tickets in for the club raffle fundraiser.
Upcoming Programs:
  • Feb. 23: City of Laramie, Bath Ranch Purchase, Darren Parkin
Rotarian of the Week: Kelly Neville nominated Rebecca Miller for her leadership of LCBA.
Special Presentation: President Terry presented Ruby with her Junior Rotarian certificate.
Program: Robbie’s House, Lorna Johnson
Introduction: Tony Hoch
Robbie’s House has a goal to save lives. It provides peer-led, community space for individuals living with mental illness in our community. Robbie’s House strives to remove barriers to interpersonal and occupational opportunities, reduce mental illness stigma, and promote recovery.
It is based on an international clubhouse model where there are members, not clients. It is a welcoming, non-judgmental, fun, and friendly place.
Mental health issues are huge in Wyoming. Fifty percent of young people suffer from depression and anxiety in Wyoming.
Debbie Hinkle is the founder, board president, and interim director of Robbie’s House. Her first instinct with Robbie was to try to fix him and during that process she met a lot of families struggling with the same issues. There is a lack of help out there and these people need to feel a sense of belonging and hope.
A clubhouse creates that for its members. Things the clubhouse can help with are: locating affordable medications and affordable housing and helping to maintain and foster friendships. This helps the mentally ill members stay on track.
Robbie’s House is in a temporary location on Custer St. It is open Tuesday and Thursday from1 p.m. to 5 p.m. There are art opportunities offered.
The space offers a pottery studio, art room, game room, kitchen, a sauna, an exercise room, and a meeting and dining area.
The vision for the future is to use the Thunderbird property to build a permanent location with a garden. A mental health campus would encompass that whole block. Robbie’s House is also going to work to help members get jobs.
They envision a society where those living with mental illness are no longer living on the margins of society, are given opportunities to meaningfully contribute to the community, and have consistent access to peer support.
Response: Rollin Abernethy
Rotary 4-way test
Of the things we think, say, or do:
•Is it the Truth?
•Is it Fair?
•Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships?
•Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned?
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
•FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
•SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
•THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life;
•FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
Response: The Rotary Club of Laramie will make a donation to the public library children’s book fund in the speaker’s name.
NOTE: We Do Not Donate a Book!
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Spoke Editor: Caitlin White, 307-630-1965, cwhite@acplwy.org